Fashion Styling


Introduction of Styling is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge of Fashion Styling, including the power of styling, the use of color, materials, and non-garment elements, and their impact on creating a successful outlook. It also discusses the role of stylists in different creative projects, such as magazine publications, fashion campaigns, or commercials. The course requires students to style a set of fashion photos for their graduation project, with the support and guidance of mentors from Artclass.


No. of Lessons:




  • Limited quantity of students to assure sufficient mentor consultancy time. 10 slots only.

    Unlimited consulting sessions with celebrity styl.

    Working on final assignment from day 1, with Work-in-Progress report required.

  • 8.000.000 VND / student


1 month

Ho Chi Minh

for everyone who is interested in fashion styling

Explore our talented mentors

Freddy Nguyen, the founder of FSC, is a fashion stylist/fashion director with almost 10 years of experience in commercial, editorials, and personal styling.

Embark on a journey of creativity and inspiration.